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Chum Fruit Snacks USA Inc

Annoyed by his kids’ sugary snacks (his youngest lost his back tooth to decay), Ben was driven to develop a “candy alternative” that was good for you while allowing his kids to enjoy their sweet snacks and getting their daily requirements from fruit

His passion for shark conservation (he set-up an NGO when living in Asia) led him to position the brand to protect endangered species. The result is Chum Fruit Bites – Chum comes from the connection to Sharks but it also means friend in the universal language.

We puree real fruit and bake for hours to remove the water content, leaving behind all the goodness, vitamins, fibers, minerals and proteins of the fruit. Each pack contains the furit of 2 small apples, or fruit and only 60 calories. Full of longer fructose energy, naturally, perfect for lunch boxes, activities and on the go snacks.

Pittsburgh, PA

(346) 391-07766

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